The Collection

A short contemporary fantasy story of mine, The Collection, is now available in Issue 1 of Lucent Dreaming, a brand new creative writing magazine from the United Kingdom!


The Collection follows an ordinary guy who quickly finds himself in the midst of a bunch of eccentric performers. It’s my favorite thing I’ve had published so far and was among the first pieces of short fiction I wrote, the first draft having been written near the end of 2016. The Collection went through quite a few edits and submissions afterwards, since finding the perfect home for stories can be a slow endeavor. I was thrilled when the folks at Lucent Dreaming accepted it, and their editors were an enormous help in making the story the best that it could possibly be.

You can read most of the first issue and all of my story right here, in the free .pdf version of the debut issue! Or, if paper’s more your style, you can also snag a copy of the gorgeous print edition here. (UPDATE: The print run of the first issue officially ended and the back issues all sold out! Don’t worry, the .pdf up there is alive, well, and free.)

By the way, more stuff is coming! I’ve started listing pieces which have been accepted but not yet published in my bibliography with “Forthcoming” in lieu of a publication date. Feel free to swing by and sneak a peek at some upcoming titles.

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